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From the moment you enter the parking lot, the doors, and the Sanctuary, you can feel the love and embrace of the hospitality ministry. Would you like to become a part of a ministry where you don’t have to say much but do what comes naturally, which is to show love and serve? The ministry of hospitality enables us to fellowship with each other. We’d love to have you join one of our hospitality ministries: Usher, Courtesy/Greeter, or Parking Lot, where the tasks can make an impact before the worship service even begin.


The Usher Ministry plays a pivotal role as the ‘first representative of Jesus Christ’ as you enter the Sanctuary for a worship service. Our HNE Ushers warmly greet and make worshippers feel at home upon entering the Sanctuary. They escort members and visitors to their seats, distribute service materials, maintain order, and assist during tithes and offerings


The Greeters Ministry is the embodiment of a warm welcome, serving as the first representative of Jesus Christ once members and visitors step into the church building. They greet everyone with a warm smile, making sure everyone feels the love and welcome of God.


Have you ever joined a new church and found it hard to get involved and get to know your church and its members? Linked-In is an extension of New Member Orientation. Each Sunday, Linked- In serves at the welcome desk. This ministry serves as a liaison between new members and getting connected to our church family. Each Sunday, you are greeted with a warm smile and answered questions.

Parking Lot

The Parking Lot Ministry is the first to greet our members and guests when they arrive on the grounds of HNE. This ministry helps direct the flow of traffic in and out of the parking lot and informs members and visitors of available parking spaces.