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If you or someone you know would like to get Baptized, please complete this form. Baptisms are held the 2nd Sunday of each month at 9am.

Baptism Requirements:

  • Candidates must be present at the church by 8:30am.
  • Candidates please bring white sweats (or leggings for girls), white t-shirt, white socks, white towel, white swim cap (if desired).
  • Please bring a complete change of clothes and undergarments for church service.
  • Please remove unnecessary jewelry, accessories or loose items that may be lost.

As this is a memorable occasion, you may wish to bring cameras and video recorders.

NOTES: Parents and immediate family of the candidates are allowed in the choir stand during the baptism of their family member. As soon as your family member is baptized, please proceed back to the pews so that the next family may come up.

If your family member needs assistance in changing, please proceed to the changing area to assist.