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about us

Hopewell North East. Founded by Pastor Gerard Blanding, Sr., and Pastor Veta L. Blanding in 2010.

The Blandings, with their unwavering dedication, served at Hopewell MBC for over 27 years. They were licensed and ordained under the leadership of Bishop William L. Sheals, their father in ministry. They were sent out to plant a separate and independent church in the Gwinnett area, and through prayer, God led them to Grayson, GA. HNE held its first service on October 31, 2010, with twelve founding members and those who came to support.

The Blandings are proud to have served under Bishop Sheals; however, Hopewell North East, fondly called HNE, is not a satellite nor another location for Hopewell MBC but is served and led by the Senior Pastor and Co-Pastor, Gerard and Veta Blanding, along with a team of great leaders. God quickly established HNE and made it a loving and praying church in the community.

From its first service, HNE has been in the exact location, at the corner of Camp Mitchell and Ozora Road on 

14 acres and a ministry house. We consider ourselves a miracle because after planting a church with twelve members and great faith, God quickly added to the church and built our committed, faithful, and praying congregation into one of the friendliest, most loving, and most giving churches. Our tagline became “Right Around the Corner and Ten Minutes Away .”Many souls have been saved and discipled. We often say all churches do some things well, but no one can outlove us; we are here to serve!

our mission

Our mission is to follow the great commission (Matt 28:19-20).

Win souls for Christ, be led by God through prayer, and continue to build this ministry to glorify God, edify the body of Christ, and serve the community through various outreach programs. We commit to building this family called Hopewell North East so that each member will care for the other, be known for its integrity, be a beacon in the community, be disciples for Christ, and be a haven for God’s people. We commit to feeding this church through the preached word, sung word, Christian Education, and prayer. Invest in our youth, build strong families, and love and support our seniors. We are committed to you, our community. Matthew 11:28-30 “Come and Learn of Me.”

what we believe

Our Statement of Faith

We believe in one God, who is Creator of all has revealed Himself in three distinct Persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

We believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is God incarnate, God in human form, the express image of the Father, who, without ceasing to be God, became man in order that He might demonstrate who God is and provide the means of salvation for humanity.
We believe that Jesus Christ was conceived of the Holy Spirit and was born of the virgin Mary.
We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ ascended to Heaven in His glorified body and is now seated at the right hand of God as our High Priest and Advocate.

We believe in the deity and personality of the Holy Spirit. He regenerates sinners and indwells believers). He is the agent by whom Christ baptizes all believers into His body). He is the seal by whom the Father guarantees the salvation of believers unto the day of redemption. He is the Divine Teacher who illumines believers’ hearts and minds as they study the Word of God

We believe the Bible, comprised of the Old and New Testaments, to be the inspired, infallible, and authoritative Word of God.

We believe that salvation is a gift of God’s grace through faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. Christ’s death fully accomplished justification through faith and redemption from sin. Christ died in our place and bore our sins in His own body). On the third day after His death, Jesus physically rose again, demonstrating His victory over sin and death .


We believe that the Church, the Body of Christ, is a spiritual organism made up of all believers of this present age. We believe in the ordinances of believer’s water baptism by immersion as a testimony to Christ and identification with Him, and the Lord’s Supper as a remembrance of Christ’s death and shed blood. 

We believe in the blessed hope the personal and imminent coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to rapture His saints). We believe in the visible and bodily return of Christ to the earth with His saints to establish His promised millennial kingdom. We believe in the physical resurrection of all human beings—the saints to everlasting joy  on the New Earth, and the wicked to eternal punishment in the lake of fire .

our senior pastor

Pastor Gerard Blanding, Sr.

The statement “I won’t complain” is a staple in Pastor Gerard Blanding’s life and if you ever ask him how he is doing he will simply reply with just that. He is a man after God’s own heart, a man of integrity, a good steward, a man of purpose, and a man focused on spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ and a gifted psalmist.

Pastors Blanding are the founding pastors of Hopewell North East, a thriving, beautiful congregation in Grayson, Georgia, and they both serve as full-time pastors. They planted this church in faith, and seeing what God is doing in this community is a blessing.


Pastor Gerard Blanding, the senior pastor, hails from a lineage of preachers and psalmists. His profound service in the Ministry for over 30 years is a testament to his unwavering dedication and the depth of his spiritual wisdom.

His secular education includes a  Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from (formerly Southern Polytechnic State University) – currently Kennesaw State University. Pastor Gerard retired – January, 2017 from LexisNexis. His professional career spanned over forty years in the engineering field in which he worked as a Sr. Programmer, Internal Consultant, Manager and Director and Senior Director for RCA/Equifax/ChoicePoint and LexisNexis.

Biblical studies include Luther Rice Seminary (Certificate of Biblical Counseling) and International Seminary. Pastor Blanding is an avid student  of the word and is working towards additional and continued education.

He has also served on several boards: The Human Resource Advisory Council for Gwinnett County Public Schools (HRAC) and Multicultural Markets for Gwinnett Co.

He and his wife are grateful that they have been married,  friends, companions, co-workers and loving each other since 1991. They are blessed with two wonderful children that loves Jesus; Alisha , a minister of the gospel, a career woman, worship leader, psalmist and business owner and Gerard Jr., a recording artist , songwriter and business owner.

our co-pastor

Pastor Veta L. Blanding

A woman concerned with the souls and wellbeing of people” best describes Pastor Veta Blanding. She is a powerful yet graceful woman of God who has preached and taught the Word of God with love and conviction for over 30 years. Her main objective is to always offer Christ to the lost, to preach His saving and delivering power, and for everyone to know and feel the love of Jesus Christ and to laugh. 

Pastors Blanding and Blanding are the founding pastors of Hopewell North East, a thriving, beautiful congregation in Grayson, Georgia. They both serve as full-time pastors. They planted this church in faith, and seeing what God is doing in this community is a blessing.

One of Pastor Blanding’s most endearing qualities is her ability to connect with young people. She often looks into their eyes and shares her heartfelt belief in them:  “I believe in you” 

She has served on several boards that aid in servicing her community: The Human Resource Advisory Council for Gwinnett County Public Schools (HRAC), Multi-cultural Markets for Gwinnett County, Boy Scouts of America, The Executive Board for the Northeast Georgia Council for Boy Scouts of America, Girls Mentoring for Gwinnett County and presently the Mentoring Program for Gwinnett County. In addition, Pastor Blanding and the ladies of Hopewell North East host a wonderful annual women’s conference called Gathering of Daughters. She is also the co-host of a women’s yearly county-wide, multi-cultural, and multi-denominational day of prayer held at the local county seat. 

Pastor Blanding is a graduate of Tuskegee Institute, and her overall corporate background includes operations management, which includes a PMP certificate. Biblical studies include Luther Rice Seminary (Certificate of  Biblical Counseling) and International Seminary, and currently working towards continued education .

Other than salvation, Pastor Blanding’s most significant accomplishment is being married to Pastor Gerard Blanding, Sr.,(1991) whom she loves and is in love with, and having a loving family and church family. She considers herself blessed to have two gifted and saved children who genuinely love and are in a relationship with the Lord and work in ministry. Alisha is a licensed gospel minister, career woman, psalmist, and business owner; Gerard Jr. is a recording artist, songwriter, and business owner. 

Our Leadership Team

At Hopewell North East, our leadership team is a dedicated group of Clergy, Ministers, Deacons, Trustees, Directors, Leaders of Ministries, and Staff. When you become a church member, you become part of a deeply caring community. Our congregational care teams, the Blue, Green, and Red Teams, are led by deacons, ministers/clergy, and trustees who are committed to serving with love and selflessness, providing a supportive environment for all.

Spotlight on our Leadership Team!
Our leaders and teams are not just selfless, giving, and loving, they are also deeply committed to serving our congregation. Their dedication is a testament to their service to the church. One of Hopewell North East’s greatest strengths is our service. Our teams do a phenomenal job, working in tandem and going above and beyond the call of duty.

Their efforts are truly commendable. At Hopewell North East, we are not just a church, we are a loving, praying, and faithful community. Our mission is simple yet profound: to serve. And we believe that ‘nobody can outlove us’ in this mission of love and service.

Just a snippet to describe our leaders!

They do so much more. Hopewell North East has a leadership team of Clergy, Ministers, Deacons,
Trustees, Directors, Ministry Leaders, and Support Staff. These are elected and appointed positions. New members are welcome to join non-appointed ministries after completing new member orientation.

Presidents/Vice Presidents are elected positions by the ministry members. They
carry out the functions of the ministry in which they serve.

  • Ushers Ministry – President: Johnny Jordan, Vice President: Eric Miller
  • Marriage Ministry – President: Stan and Chondra Stevens, Vice President: Deacon Rob and Chereese Williams

Directors: Oversee assigned ministries. Guide the ministries based on the vision of the pastors. Help to interpret ministry policies and enhance ministries. 

  • Music Ministry: Teri Ochoa
  • Media & Messaging: James and Jemise Jordan
  • Hospitality: Rena Etienne
  • Connect Ministry/Christian Ed: Deacon Eric Thigpen, Sonya Frazier, Adrienne Williams, Min. Antonia Simmons,  Dwayne Perry Sr.
  • Out Reach: Deacon Abe Holland
  • In Reach: Min. Sarah Thompson
  • Called/Appointed Leaders: Pastors Blanding

Trustees: Care of the physical building and financial overseers.

Ministers: They support the pastors through teaching, worship leaders, congregational care, preaching, and spiritual support for the congregation. Ministers also support members through personal prayer, calls, and visitation during illness, hospitalization, emergencies, homegoing celebrations, community
efforts, outreach, and assignments from Pastors.

Ordained Ministers and Elders Support the pastors’ functions: Teaching, worship leaders, preaching, spiritual support, spiritual guidance, and congregational care. They also support members through personal prayer, calls, and visitation during illness, hospitalization, emergencies, homegoing celebrations, community efforts, outreach, and assignments from Pastors.

Congregational Care, Servanthood for the congregation, support for the pastors, oversee the church’s physical and spiritual building, and help support and carry out the pastors’ vision. Deacons support members through serving the Lord’s Supper, baptism, congregational prayer, and teaching. They also support members through personal prayer, calls, and visitation during illness, hospitalization,
emergencies, bereavement, and assignments from Pastors.

  • Minister Wives
  • Deacon Wives

Administrators:  Anasia Hixon, Sybil Sherman
Support: Rena Etienne

Our congregational care teams are called the Blue, Green, and Red Teams a Deacons, ministers/clergy, and trustees. The purpose of the teams is to support members thru personal prayer, calls and visitation during illness, hospitalization, emergencies, bereavement, and
assignments from Pastors.

Upon becoming a church member, you will fall under a congregational care team
based on your last name.

  • Blue Group (Last Name is A-F)
    • Deacons – Abe Holland, Willie Baldwin, Eric Duffy, Clifford Grant
    • Clergy – Kavena Artis, Mae Coleman, Karen Grant, Geraldine Harper, Andre Brown
    • Trustees – Stephanie Crosson, Mona Wesley, Stephen Champion, Arvin Brown
  • Green Group (Last Name is G-M)
    • Deacons – Vincent Blanding, Dennis Grant, Louis Moore, James Sherman
    • Clergy – Darrell Mack, Antonia Simmons, Dorothy Tubman, Bernice Thomas, Robert Simmons, Sharon Murphy Ellis
    • Trustees – Leon Thomas, Leroy Frazier, Otis Jeffries
  • Red Group (Last Name is N-Z)
    • Deacons – Eric Thigpen, Stan Peters, James Williams, Robert Williams
    • Clergy – Latoya Vaughn, Daniel Pettway, Bennard Slaton, Deneise Thompson, Alisa Wade, Betty Rumph, Lethel Wilson
    • Trustees – Claudette Grey, Stan Stevens, Vickie Schoby, Althea Penn


How do I know what team I belong to and what the purpose of a team is?

Moses’ father-in-law told him that the work was too much for him. Pastors knew that for the congregation’s care to be fulfilled, it would take all of us. They adopted this principle from the book of Genesis and named the teams to be broken down alphabetically by last name.

The purpose of the team concept is for congregational care. If you are a member and  going through a life-changing event, we ask that you contact the church office at [email protected] or 770-554-0007


Will my Deacon call me after I have joined the church?

You will receive a warm welcome from our office with additional information. Deacons and Ministers call when there is an event in your life that you need prayer or a call about. Examples are upcoming surgery, hospitalizations, death in your family, illness, life-changing occurrences, etc. If you are a member, please contact the church office at 770.554-0007 or [email protected], and we will notify your team leaders.


Many of you have asked, how do I meet my team leaders?

That is a great question. Each Sunday, a different leader from each team will introduce themselves during the opening of the worship service. If you are a member and would like to speak to your leader, don’t hesitate to contact the church office at [email protected]. If you are joining a ministry after completing new member orientation, your ministry leader will contact you with information.

The Connect Ministry, led by Christian Ed Directors, oversees Sunday School, Dissertation, Discipleship, Nursery, and Youth Church.

The Connect Ministry educates members in the knowledge, understanding, and love for Jesus Christ, our savior. The Connect Ministry plays an essential role in  Christian development and discipleship.

Youth Minister Lead – Min. Daniel Pettway
We are blessed to have a great leadership team that is invested in and loves our

Youth Church equips young people to serve Christ in everything they do.  It develops a solid moral and spiritual foundation.  The Youth bring vitality, fresh perspectives, and renewed enthusiasm to the congregation.  These young people represent the future of the faith community.

Min. Daniel Pettway and a team of youth leaders and instructors lead Youth Church. They are very committed and serve with joy.

Youth Church is open every Sunday except the 4th Sunday. On the 4th Sunday, our Youth serve in the Sanctuary by leading worship, singing, ushering, greeting, Dissertation, etc

As a Hopewell North East member, you can join non-appointed ministries after completing new member orientation. This is a chance for you to contribute your unique skills and talents to our church community, and we wholeheartedly encourage you to take advantage of it, as your contribution is invaluable.